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Brazil export Processing Zone

From:Economic and Trade Office of the Embassy in Brazil


In 1988, Brazil passed Decree No. 2452, stipulating export processing zones and establishing a National Council for export processing Zones (CZPE). Act no. 11508 of 2007, Act No. 6814 of 2009 and Act No. 9993 of 2019 respectively amend and supplement the taxation, exchange and administrative management of export processing zones.

Brazil's export processing zone related laws and regulations, can inquire the ministry of economic affairs website:

Or Brazil export processing zone association website:

At present, There are 18 export processing zones in Brazil, which are distributed in 17 administrative regions. They are:

ZPE do Acre (AC)

ZPE do Acu (RJ)

ZPE de Aracruz (ES)

ZPE DE Araguaina (TO)

ZPE de Barcarena (PA)

ZPE de Barra dos Coqueiros(SE)

ZPE DE Bataguassu (MS)

ZPE de Boa Vista (RR)

ZPE DE Caceres (MT)

ZPE DE Fernandopolis (SP)

ZPE DE Ilheus (BA)

ZPE de Imbituba (SC)

ZPE DE Macaiba (RN)

ZPE DE Parnaiba (PI)

ZPE DE Pecem (CE)

ZPE de Suape (PE)

ZPE DE Teofilo Otoni (MG)

ZPE de Uberaba(MG)

Tempo de beijing: 2025-03-12

Tempo local: 2025-03-12

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