Brazilian foreign trade regulations and related information

From:Commercial Counselor's Office, Embassy of the Republic of Brazil


The Brazilian Council of Foreign Trade is the highest decision-making body in Brazil's foreign trade policy, and the Ministry of Economy is the executive arm of foreign trade policy.

In early 2019, the current administration will merge the main operations of the former ministries of Finance, Program development, industry and Trade services, and most of those of the former Ministry of Labor, creating a ministry of Economy with a secretariat for Foreign Trade and International Affairs to oversee foreign trade.

The Brazilian Federal Directorate of Taxation is the department in charge of customs affairs. It is affiliated with the Ministry of Economy and is responsible for formulating and implementing customs policies, collecting customs duties and implementing customs supervision system. The Central Bank of Brazil is the exchange regulator.

1. Trade legal system

Brazil's legal system of international trade is composed of customs decrees, tariff rules, import regulations, export regulations and trade remedy measures. Relevant laws have been amended and supplemented many times on the original basis.

According to the relevant information published on the website of the Brazilian Presidential Office, the existing laws and regulations related to foreign trade in Brazil mainly include:

The Commercial Code, Act No. 556 of 25 July 1850 (LEI N 556, DE 25 DE JUNHO DE1850) and its Amendments.

Decreto-lei n.o 4543 of 26 December 2002

Also on the Customs Procedural Law, DECRETO N 4.543, DE 26 DEDEZEMBRO DE 2002., of 12 July 2004, and its Amendment Bill.

DECRETO DE 1343 of 23 December 1994 (DECRETO N 1.343, DE 23 DEDEZEMBRO DE 1994) and its Amendment Bill.

Relevant regulations on trade administration

[Import Management System]

Decreto-lein 37, DE 18 DE NOVEMBRO DE 1966) of 18 November 1966, and its Amendment Bill.

Brazil's foreign trade management laws and regulations are numerous and often amended. For specific provisions, please refer to the Website of the Brazilian Foreign Trade Commission:

3. Import management related websites:

4. Consultation methods of competent departments

5. Query of Mercosur Common Tariff:

Tempo de beijing: 2025-03-12

Tempo local: 2025-03-12

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