Brazil will not be able to meet the world's growing demand for sugar despite its high production,



Brazil will not be able to meet the world's growing demand for sugar despite its high production, prices remain high; Analysts believe it is necessary to consider investing in sweetener plants on the same subject: Sukhtun said there is a "logistics deficit" in the global sugar market, with bottlenecks in Brazil

Harvest monitoring
[Unica] 2023/24 sugarcane harvest update - cooling of rainfall during sugarcane harvest on 1 October; Demand for aqueous ethanol remained strong in the first 15 days of October
On the same subject: NovaBio reported that sugarcane crushing in the Northeast region increased by 10.2 percent to 16.48 million tons

Singapore Armed Forces
GranBio CEO says carbon price still not enough to justify Brazilian ethanol SAF Bernardo Gradin believes the country needs public and private sector incentives to promote aviation biofuels

Working environment
Centroalcool kept 53 workers in conditions similar to slavery in the state of Goias where victims were employed by "cats", earning 43 reais per month for each worker recruited

Plant reactivation
The meeting between GVO and suppliers marks the return of the Katandua plant to the Group, which is studying the resumption of sugarcane crushing at the unit next year; The rest will be sold while justice is restored

Mubadala buys shares in sugar energy company Atvos, Novonor terminates its stake in the company and a subsidiary of ABU Dhabi's sovereign wealth fund acquires a 10% stake in former Odebrecht

Corn ethanol
Neomille receives license to produce ethanol, oil and feed meal in Mato Grosso do Sul Neomille has received an operating license from the MS Government to begin maize processing work in Maracajou

Financial performance
Uisa 2022/23 Net profit trebles despite deteriorating operating performance Sugar and energy companies renegotiated tax debt amid tighter profits and achieved a positive result of R $569.86 million

Financial performance
Usina Santa Lucia expects a 36.9 percent drop in profit for 2022/23, but still above R $100 million despite tightening operating margins, the company has maintained net profit levels for the second year ina row

Harvest prediction
Despite lower crush, Datagro expects record sugar production in South Central in 2020/25 Datagro estimates sugar production in South Central Brazil at 42.6 million tonnes in 2020/25 On the same subject: BP Bunge director says sugar production at South Central plant will reach 41.6 million tonnes by 2024 Brazil plant will extend 2023/24 cane crushing to cope with record harvest

Sugar Energy is one of the companies holding the most water permits, the survey shows, the amount obtained by 50 business groups could supply nearly 94 million people

RAIZEN's view
Raizen increases sugar and ethanol production in the second quarter of 2023/24 Raizen increased sugarcane crush to approximately 37.5 million tonnes in the second quarter of the 2023/24 season
On the same subject: Rubens Ometo says ethanol has been mistreated in fuel policy

Sugarcane market
According to Orplana, sugar cane producers lost R $17.30 per ton in 2023/24
On the same subject: Unica supports Tarcisio de Freitas' rejection of the IPVA exemption for petrol hybrids

Sugarcane variety
CTC says genetically modified sugar cane with herbicide resistance is coming soon Research companies are also developing a genetically modified variety to control sugar cane weevil

The STJ's decision brings to an end discussions between tax authorities and industry on the use of tax credits for intermediate products on the same subject: MS Government authorizes ethanol plants to use accumulated ICMS credits States announce increased fuel ICMS from February Lula sanctions ICMS fuel cuts compensation of R $27 billion

Ethanol mixture
"We will increase the ethanol blend in gasoline to 30 percent" Arnaldo Jardim expressed optimism about the possibility of increasing the ethanol content in gasoline from 27 percent to 30 percent

Alckmin: 'Brazil will be a world leader in decarbonisation' For Geraldo Alckmin, who attended the event in Sao Paulo, Brazil has become the world's 'model for clean energy'

Tempo de beijing: 2025-03-12

Tempo local: 2025-03-12

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