Regulations on Customs clearance in Brazil

From:Commercial Staff Office in Brazil


Since SRF Regulation No. 611 of 18 January 2006, Brazil's provisions concerning customs clearance of import and export goods have undergone more than a dozen amendments. It mainly includes:

(Retificado(a) em 26 de janeiro de 2006)

(A) EM 01 DE Marco DE 2006)

(Alterado(a) Pelo (A) Instrucao Normativa SRF N 680, DE 02 DE Outubro DE 2006)

(Alterado(a) Pelo (A) Instrucao Normativa SRF N 720, DE 12 DE Fevereiro DE 2007)

(Alterado(a) Pelo (A) Instrucao Normativa RFB N 741, DE 03 DE Maio DE 2007)

(Alterado(a) Pelo (A) Instrucao Normativa RFB N 846, DE 12 DE Maio DE 2008)

(Alterado(a) Pelo (a) Instrucao Normativa RFB N 908, DE 09 DE Janeiro 2009)

(Alterado(a) Pelo (A) Instrucao Normativa RFB N 1357, DE 07 DE Maio DE 2013)

(Alterado(a) Pelo (A) Instrucao Normativa RFB N 1361, DE 21 DE Maio DE 2013)

(Alterado(a) PELo (A) Instrucao Normativa RFB N 1456, DE 10 DE Marco DE 2014)

(Alterado(a) PELo (A) Instrucao Normativa RFB N 1601, DE 14 DE Dezembro DE 2015)

(Alterado(a) Pelo (A) Instrucao Normativa RFB N 1737, DE 15 DE Setembro DE 2017)

The above regulations web link is: Visao = anotado&idAto = 15544.

The Economic and Trade Office of the Chinese Embassy in Brazil would like to remind companies that the laws and regulations of Brazil are frequently amended. Please check the Website of the Brazilian government frequently. All relevant explanations shall be subject to the latest laws and regulations issued by the Brazilian government.

Tempo de beijing: 2025-03-12

Tempo local: 2025-03-12

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