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The nationality, language and religion of Brazil

From:Office of Economic Affairs in Brazil



The southeast is the most ethnically Diverse region of Brazil. The region is predominantly white (mainly of Portuguese and Italian descent), Afro-Brazilian, and Of Asian and Indian descent. And so throughout Brazil, Brazilians, Portuguese and Africans started mixing more frequently. In 1532, after the establishment of SAO VICENTE, the Portuguese began to come there as settlers. As mining developed in the 18th century, Portuguese state Kings began to arrive, along with slaves from Angola and Mina, who were indigenous to Africa. From the first year of colonial rule, the proportion of blacks had increased enormously. In the 19th century, the emigration of Asia and Europe began to be stimulated, with Germans beginning to arrive in 1818, Italians in 1875, Spaniards in 1880, Japanese, Syrians, and Lebanese beginning in the early 20th century. At the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century, the largest wave of Immigrants from Brazil took place in the southeast. Italians and Portuguese became a major part of this migration, because the emancipation of slaves began at that time, and the plantations and the emerging Brazilian industry required a large amount of labor.

In recent years, immigration from Asia, China and Southeast Asia has been increasing gradually. The problem of racial discrimination in Brazil is manifested in the structure of social power and the distribution of wealth. Although racial discrimination in Brazil is rarely seen in cases of color-targeted violence, political influence and wealth tend to be in the hands of a relatively small number of people with lighter skin. The higher the social ladder, the more obvious it is.

Second, the language

The official language of Brazil is Portuguese. Spanish and English are the main foreign languages.

Three, religion,

Brazil is the world's most Catholic country, with 83 percent of its residents Catholic and a minority protestant and Jewish.

Tempo de beijing: 2025-03-12

Tempo local: 2025-03-12

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